LATU coordinates and carries out international technical cooperation activities for the standardization and technical regulation of products and services and the evaluation of their conformity. Thus, as stated in the current regulations, LATU contributes to the sustainable development of national production, the establishment and international recognition of the national system for evaluating conformity and facilitating access to the markets of Uruguayan products.
Conformity assessment is the tool used to demonstrate that any specifications related to a product, process, system, person or body are met. These requirements may be laid down in a standard or in technical regulations.
The field of conformity assessment includes defined activities such as testing, inspection and certification.
A technical standard is a document approved by a standardization body, which provides —for common and repeated use— rules, guidelines or characteristics for products or processes and related production methods; compliance is not mandatory.
A technical regulation is a document that set out the characteristics of a product or of production processes and methods, including the applicable administrative provisions; compliance is mandatory.
In pursuance of the above, LATU performs many tasks. In relation to standardization and technical regulation of products and conformity assessment, LATU supports the implementation of public policies, represents the country in international fora and relates with national and international counterparts. In addition, it plans technical and commercial negotiation activities to contribute to the elimination of any “technical barriers” to exports.
Specifically, together with the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM), LATU participates in the National Coordination of MERCOSUR's GTS No. 3 ‘‘Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment’’.
LATU is the focal point of the Codex Alimentarius in Uruguay. In addition to being in contact with the Codex Alimentarius Commission, it serves as the Secretariat of the National Committee.
Likewise, LATU promotes technical cooperation and exchange programs and projects, interacting with other organizations, both Uruguayan and of other nationalities, including the list below:
Uruguayan Agency for International Cooperation (AUCI)
Uruguayan National Quality Institute (INACAL)
Inter-American Network of Food Analysis Laboratories (INFAL)
Bureau International des Poids et Messures (BIPM)
International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML)
National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI), Argentina
National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO), Brazil
National Institute of Technology and Standardization (INTN), Paraguay
National Standardization Institute (INN), Chile